duminică, 30 mai 2010

Ahead of the Curve

In the front room. Got the cousins visiting and need to show em a good time tomorrow. Digging through my pockets looking for some loose change - come on lets hit the jackpot. Thinking theres no way Im going to get my whole todo list done by tomorrow.

How I cope . . .

Outside the door with the cool letters on it. Me, Rufus, Cari and our lonesomes all together as usual. Having a good time and not worrying about much at all. Thinking about changing jobs - a scary prospect.

Winning lifes war even though sometimes Im losing the battles

In the front room. Jack and Kate are over like youd expect. Stealing a little bit of shuteye on the sly I have to admit - but that aint so bad. Thinking about changing jobs - a scary prospect.

vineri, 28 mai 2010

Prezi - The zooming presentation editor

Prezi - The zooming presentation editor

Hanging out

Playing around in my own little head. Have my nephew over for 3 days trying to figure out what he likes. Getting ready to get some food together because I can feel a real hunger coming on. Thinking theres no way Im going to get my whole todo list done by tomorrow.

joi, 27 mai 2010

Updated Online Tutorial for GeneTests

Cool site of the day:

Comprehensive tutorial on the publicly available GeneTests resource enable researchers to quickly and effectively use this invaluable resource. original. This is my blog

miercuri, 26 mai 2010

What with the world in total chaos and all

In the hallway by the closed door. Rug at my feet and a lamp overhead. Got the cousins visiting and need to show em a good time tomorrow. Looking at the wall - needs a color change. Considering grabbing some drinks for the evening chill.

Video JS | HTML5 Video Player

Another good one: Video JS | HTML5 Video Player

Vacation rentals, private rooms, sublets by the night - Accommodations on Airbnb

Found this today: Vacation rentals, private rooms, sublets by the night - Accommodations on Airbnb

MSNBC Photoblog

Cool link: MSNBC Photoblog

marți, 25 mai 2010

Here We Go Again

Out in the backyard on the newly redone patio. Joe and Edmond are over for a short visit. Pretending that Im some cool world leader with all of the possibilities of a true dictator playing out before me. Thinking about those spiders up in the corner. How did they get there?

Never Surrender - Never Retreat

In the front room. All by myself. Stealing a little bit of shuteye on the sly I have to admit - but that aint so bad. Will we ever get a hold of the craziness?

vineri, 21 mai 2010

MAAWG Provides Free Messaging Security Training: Releases DKIM Implementation Tutorial by Leading Experts, Invites ...

Cool site of the day:

SAN FRANCISCO, May 21 /PRNewswire/ -- As an industry service, the Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG), the largest global anti-spam industry organization, has released its first online training video and is opening the technical training sessions at its next meeting to non-members for the first time, both at no cost. original. This is my blog

duminică, 16 mai 2010

Messenger threatens legal action over travel rort allegations

From todays web browsing:
Messenger threatens legal action over travel rort allegations
Queensland independent MP Rob Messenger says he may take legal action over allegations he used his travel allowance for personal reasons. goosed0gshukks Choices